
Our creativity is the only thing we can lay claim on as 'ours'. Human beings are born with the urge to know. Think, try, fail, try again is key to the treasure chest of knowledge. This compelling urge is what has led to all discoveries and inventions. Thus, creativity is a very primal feature of a human being, born from his/her thirst for knowledge.

It is quite disheartening and unfortunate that this creative urge is over-shadowed by the looming giant of curriculum. Children are taught ‘what questions to ask’, and not ‘how to ask questions’. This gives rise to an unimaginative generation that cannot evolve.

At Little Orkid, we rekindle this all-pervasive ability in children by encouraging them to question the already existing, so that creativity flows. The wings of imagination are what take them places.

We hope to serve as a constant reminder to never be complacent, and always strive for higher goals.

  • To shape nouveau citizens such that they are socio-culturally and aesthetically aware
    It is our vision to expose kids early on to holistic development skills, nurture healthy habits and lifestyles, build their individuality and self-esteem, inculcate learning for a lifetime and yet maintain firm roots in our values and culture.
  • To enable and empower by means of learning
    Learning is a right not a privilege, and at Little Orkid we strive to provide this right to all aspirants alike. We seek to enable and empower them by means of learning to heighten their sensibilities in the real world.
  • To serve as a constant reminder to have fun
    It is quite an unfortunate anomaly that as we grow up and lose ourselves in our responsibilities we neglect and ignore the toddler in each of us- that wants to enjoy life, experiment with his/her interests, and thus grow horizontally as an individual. So much emphasis do we lay on hierarchical growth that it becomes our primary concern. Little Orkid is here to satisfy that neglected child, and serves as the bridge between you and him/her.