
"You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have."

A child's education must not be limited to what we know. It should, in fact, serve as the gateway for complete freedom. At Little Orkid we seek to provide multiple activities under the same roof, so that children are free to experiment, and their eagerness is unaffected. We endeavour to serve as a medium of expression for children, a much-wanted respite, and a constant companion through their journey of discovering themselves. Our individual attention to each child ensures that they are not all cast in the same mould, and their uniqueness remains unblemished.

The burden of work-life and the corporate world often renders us incapable of pursuing our innermost ambitions. That salsa class starts to seem very far and you just can't seem to get yourself to travel that far. Little Orkid aims to be the solution to your excuses so you can gear up for your favourite classes. You can now create content, instead of consuming it, and bust stress effectively. Such professional classes are known to be instant mood elevators, and they often assist in inspiring and channeling creativity.

Our classes curated by professional and experienced teachers and trainers seek to provide the much needed release post an exhausting day at work. Come and join our movement that will take you from exhaustion to exhilaration in the same day. Surprise your colleagues with your renditions at the Open Mic the next time!

You can learn anything!